Frequently asked questions(FAQ)

Why study with Highbury College?
As soon as you join the Highbury family, you become part of a network of students, lecturers and friends, who will assist and support you during this journey in achieving your career. Our courses are designed to make your learning as comfortable as possible, with facilities that allow you to build your career in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Our unique blend of professional, technical, and academic programmes will provide all the support and guidance you require, so you leave Highbury College with an unforgettable campus experience
Each of our courses have various pricing options. Please send your contact details to us and then the student advisor will send you the course information sheet so that you can see the various pricing options.
Full-time requirements Each full-time course at Highbury College has different requirements for acceptance.

Most of our diploma courses, requires you to have:

   > N3 National Certificate

   > Matric

   > Senior Certificate

If you would like to study one of our certificate courses, we generally ask for a grade 10 statement of results and/or report. However, if you do not have grade 10 you can contact the campus directly, explain what level of education you have and we will ascertain if you are eligible to apply for one of our courses.

Part-time requirements

All of our diploma courses can also be done part-time.

Yes, our courses are accredited by the Department of Higher Education and Training.
You cannot study more than one full-time course at a time as the times, subjects and lecturers may cross over. However, you may choose to study a second course once you have completed your first course. Many of our students do so, as our variety of creative courses work so well together.
Highbury College is nationally accredited.
We do not help with career placement after students leave Highbury College. However, we have many companies who contact us during the year and we will put the company in contact with the students who have worked hard during the year and were reliable.This generally assists our students with job placement.

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